We are discussing and working toward adding the language Rust as a second implementation language in the Linux kernel. A year ago Jake Edge made an excellent summary of the discussions so far on Rust for the Linux kernel and we (or rather Miguel and Wedson) have made further progress since then. For the record I think this is overall a good idea and worth a try. I wanted to add some background that was sketched in a mail thread for the kernel summit.
TL;DR: my claim is that Rust is attempting to raise the abstraction in the programming language and ultimately to join computer science and software engineering into one single discipline, an ambition that has been around since these disciplines were created.
Beginning with ALGOL
The first general high-level language was FORTRAN, which is still in use for some numerical analysis tasks around the world. Then came ALGOL, which attracted a wider audience.
The first “real” operating system (using virtual memory etc) for the Atlas Machine supervisor in 1962 was as far as I can tell implemented in Atlas autocode which was a dialect of ALGOL, which was the lingua franca at the time. Pure ALGOL could not be used because ALGOL 60 had no input/output primitives, so every real-world application of ALGOL, i.e. any application not solely relying on compiled-in constants, required custom I/O additions.
Copies of the first specifications of ALGOL 60, belonging at one time to Carl-Erik Fröberg at Lund University.
ALGOL inspired CPL that inspired BCPL that inspired the B programming language that inspired the C programming language, which we use for the Linux kernel.
Between 1958 and 1968 ALGOL was the nexus in a wide attempt to join computer languages with formal logic. In this timespan we saw the ALGOL 58, ALGOL 60 and ALGOL 68 revisions come out. The outcome was that it established computer science as a discipline and people could start building their academic careers on that topic. One notable outcome was the BNF form for describing syntax in languages. This time was in many ways formative for computer science: the first three volumes of Donald Knuths The Art of Computer Programming were published in close proximity to these events.
To realize that ALGOL was popular and widespread at the time that Unix was born, and that C was in no way universally accepted, it would suffice to read a piece of the original Bourne Shell source code tree for example:
INT xp;
DO REG STRING s=mactrim(arg->argval);
setname(s, xp);
IF flags&execpr
THEN prs(s);
IF arg THEN blank(); ELSE newline(); FI
This doesn't look much like C as we know it, it looks much more like ALGOL 68. The ALGOL 68 definition added constructions such as IF/FI, DO/OD etc, which were not present in ALGOL 60. The reason is that Stephen Bourne was an influential contributor to ALGOL 68 and created a set of macros so that the C preprocessor would turn his custom dialect of ALGOL into C, for which I think someone on Reddit suggested to nominate bash for the obfuscated C contest.
This is just one of the instances where we can see that the C programming language was not universally loved. The Bourne Shell scripting language that we all love and use is also quite close to ALGOL 68, so the descendants of this language is used more than we may think.
Around 1970 Niklaus Wirth was working to improve ALGOL68 with what he called ALGOL W. Tired of the slowness of the language committee process he forked ALGOL and created the programming language Pascal which was a success in its own right. In his very interesting IEEE article named A Brief History of Software Engineering Professor Wirth gives his perspective on some of the events around that time: first he writes about the very influential NATO conference on software engineering 1968 in Garmisch, Germany which served to define software engineering as a distinct discipline. To counter the so-called software crisis – the problems presented by emerging large complex systems – the suggestion was to raise the abstraction in new languages.
To raise the abstraction means to use more mathematical, machine independent constructs in the language. First consider the difference between low-level and high-level languages: a simple operation such as x = x + 1 is not high level, and just a fancy assembly instruction; if we compile it we can readily observe the resulting code in some kind of ADD instruction in the resulting object code. However a[i] = x + 1 raises abstraction past the point of high-level languages. This is because indexing into an array requires knowledge of the target machine specifics: base addresses, memory layout, etc. This makes the instruction more high-level and thus raises the abstraction of the language. The assumption is that several further higher levels of abstraction exist. We will look into some of these languages in the following sections.
The Garmisch conference is famous in Unix circles because Douglas McIlroy was present and presented his idea of componentized software as a remedy against rising complexity, an idea that was later realized in the form of Unix's pipes and filters mechanism. D-Bus and similar component interoperation mechanisms are contemporary examples of such software componentry — another way to counter complexity and make software less fragile, but not the focus in this article.
Wirth makes one very specific and very important observation about the Garmisch conference:
Ultimately, analytic verification and correctness proofs were supposed to replace testing.
This means exactly what it says: with formally verified programming languages, all the features and constructs that are formally proven need not be tested for. Software engineering is known for advocating test-driven development (TDD) to this day, and the ambition was to make large chunks of TDD completely unnecessary. Software testing has its own chapter in the mentioned report from the Garmisch NATO conference where the authors A.I. Llewelyn and R.F. Wickens conclude:
There are, fundamentally, two different methods of determining whether a product meets its specification. One can analyse the product in great detail and from this determine if it is in accordance with its specification, or one can measure its performance experimentally and see if the results are in accord with the specification; the number and sophistication of the experiments can be varied to provide the degree of confidence required of the results.
The first part of this paragraph i.e. “analyze in great detail” is what Wirth calls analytic verification and is today called formal verification. The latter part of this paragraph is what we call test-driven development, TDD. Also: the former is a matter of computer science, while the latter is a matter of software engineering. So here is a fork in the road.
Wirth also claims the discussions in Garmisch had a distinct influence on Pascal. This can be easily spotted in Pascal strings, which was one of his principal improvements over ALGOL: Pascal strings are arrays of char, but unlike C char, a Pascal char is not the same as a byte; instead it is defined as belonging to an “ordered character set”, which can very well be ISO8859-1 or Unicode, less, more or equal to 255 characters in size. Strings stored in memory begin with an positive integer array length which defines how long the string is, but this is none of the programmer's business, this shall be altered by the language runtime and not by any custom code. Indexing out of bounds is therefore not possible and can be trivially prohibited during compilation and at runtime. This raises the abstraction of strings: they are set-entities, they have clear boundaries, they need special support code to handle the length field in memory. Further Pascal also has set types, such as:
JanuaryDays : set of 1..31;
Perhaps Pascal's application to real-world problems didn't work out as expected, as it has since also defined PChar as a NULL-terminated pointer to a sequence of characters, akin to C strings. However it should be noted that Pascal pointers are persistently typed and cannot be converted: casting is not possible in Pascal. A Pascal pointer to an integer is always a pointer to an integer.
From Wirth's perspective, C “presented a great leap backward” and he claims “it revealed that the community at large had hardly grasped the true meaning of the term 'high-level language' which became an ill-understood buzzword”. He attributes the problem to Unix which he says “acted like a Trojan horse for C”. He further details the actual technical problems with C:
C offers abstractions which it does not in fact support: Arrays remain without index checking, data types without consistency check, pointers are merely addresses where addition and subtraction are applicable. One might have classified C as being somewhere between misleading and even dangerous.
His point about C lacking index checking is especially important: it can be brought into question if C is really a high-level language. It is not fully abstracting away the machine specifics of handling an array. Language theorists can occasionally refer to C as a “big macro assembler”, the only thing abstracted away is really the raw instruction set.
Wirth however also goes on to state the appealing aspects of the C programming language:
people at large, particularly in academia, found it intriguing and “better than assembly code” (...) its rules could easily be broken, exactly what many programmers cherished. It was possible to manage access to all of a computer’s idiosyncracies, to items that a high-level language would properly hide. C provided freedom, where high-level languages were considered as straight-jackets enforcing unwanted discipline. It was an invitation to use tricks which had been necessary to achieve efficiency in the early days of computers.
We can see why an efficiency-oriented operating system kernel such as Linux will tend toward C.
It's not like these tricks stopped after the early days of computing. Just the other day I wrote a patch for Linux with two similar code paths, which could be eliminated by cast:ing a (const void *)
into a (void *)
which I then quipped about in the commit message of the revised patch. The reason for violating formal rules in this case — is that of a choice between two evils, and chosing the lesser evil: in a choice between formal correctness and code reuse I chose code reuse. And C enables that kind of choice. The languages presented later in this article absolutely do not allow that kind of choice, and C casts are seen as nothing less than an abomination.
The language family including C and also Pascal is referred to as imperative programming languages. The defining character is that the programmer “thinks like a computer” or imagine themselves as the program counter to be exact. “First I do this, next I do this, then I do this” – a sequence of statements executed in order, keeping the computer state (such as registers, memory locations and stacks) in the back of your head.
The immediate appeal to operating system programmers should be evident: this closely models what an OS developer needs to keep in mind, such as registers, stacks, cache frames, MMU tables, state transitions in hardware and so on. It is possible to see the whole family of imperative languages as domain specific languages for the domain of writing operating systems, so it would be for operating system developers what OpenGL is for computer graphics software developers.
Lambda Calculus for Defining Languages
In 1966 one of the early adopters and contributors to ALGOL (alongside Peter Naur, Tony Hoare and Niklaus Wirth), Peter Landin, published two articles in the Journal of the ACM titled Correspondence between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-notation part I and part II. In the first article he begins with a good portion of dry humour:
Anyone familiar with both Church's λ-calculi and ALGOL 60 will have noticed a superficial resemblance between the way variables tie up with the λ's in a nest of λ-expressions, and the way that identifiers tie up with the headings in a nest of procedures and blocks.
He is of course aware that no-one beside himself had been in the position to realize this: the overlap between people familiar with Alonzo Church's λ-calculus and with ALGOL 60 was surprisingly down to one person on the planet. What is surprising is that it was even one person.
Alonzo Church was a scholar of mathematical logic and computability, the supervisor of Alan Turing's doctoral thesis and active in the same field as Kurt Gödel (those men quoted each other in their respective articles). The lambda calculus ties into the type set theory created by Bertrand Russell and the logical-mathematical programme, another universe of history we will not discuss here.
What λ-calculus (Lambda-calculus) does for a programming language definition is analogous to what regular expressions does for a languages syntax, but for it's semantics. While regular expressions can express how to parse a body of text in a language with regular grammar, expressions in λ-calculus can go on from the abstract syntax tree and express what an addition is, what a subtraction is, or what a bitwise OR is. This exercise is seldomly done in e.g. compiler construction courses, but defining semantics is an inherent part of a programming language definition.
Perhaps the most remembered part of Landin's papers is his humorous term syntactic sugar which denotes things added to a language to make the life of the programmer easier, but which has no semantic content that cannot be expressed by the basic features of the language. The basic mathematical features of the language, on the other hand, are best expressed with λ-calculus.
A notable invention in Landin's first article about defining ALGOL in terms of λ-calculus are the keywords let and where chosen to correspond to λ-calculus' Applicable Expressions. These keywords do not exist in ALGOL: they are part of a language to talk about a language, or in more complicated terms: a meta-language. So here we see the first steps toward a new language derived from λ-calculus. Landin does not give this language a name in this article, but just refers to it as “AE”. The AE executes in a theoretical machine called SECD, which is another trick of the trade, like Alan Turings “turing machine”: rather close to a mathematicians statement “let's assume we have...” The complete framework for defining ALGOL in λ-calculus is called AE/SECD.
Functional Programming
Functional programming languages then, implements lambda calculus. The central idea after some years of experience with defining languages such as ALGOL in terms of lambda calculus, is to just make the language resemble lambda calculus expressions to begin with, and the verification of the semantics will be simple and obvious.
In 1966 Peter Landin followed up his articles using λ-calculus to describe ALGOL with his article The Next 700 Programming Languages. Here he invents functional programming in the form of an invented language called ISWIM (If You See What I Mean), as you can see again with a good dry humour. The language is λ-calculus with “syntactic sugar” on top, so a broad family of languages are possible to create using the framework as a basis. Landin's article was popular, and people did invent languages. Maybe not 700 of them. Yet.
In section 10 of his article, named Eliminating explicit sequencing, Landin starts speculating and talks about a game that can be played with ALGOL: by removing any goto statements and labels, the program get a less sequential nature, i.e. the program counter is just advancing to the next line or iterating a loop. He quips:
What other such features are there? This question is considered because, not surprisingly, it turns out that an emphasis on describing things in terms of other things leads to the same kind of requirements as an emphasis against explicit sequencing.
He then goes on to show how to transform an ALGOL program into a purely functional ISWIM program and concludes:
The special claim of ISWlM is that it grafts procedural notions onto a purely functional base without disturbing many of the desirable properties. (...) This paper can do no more than begin the task of explaining their practical significance.
This reads as a call to action: we need to create functional programming languages akin to ISWIM, and we need to get rid of the J operator (the program control flow operator). Landin never did that himself.
A few years later, in 1974, computer scientist Robin Milner, inspired by ISWIM and as a response to Landin's challenge, created the language ML, short for Meta Language. This is one of the 700 next languages and clearly recognized Landin's ideas about a language for defining languages, a grammar for defining grammar: a meta language with a meta grammar.
He implemented the language on the DEC10 computer with the help of Malcolm Newey, Lockwood Morris, Mike Gordon and Chris Wadswort. The language was later ported to the VAX architectures.
The language was based on ISWIM and dropped the so-called J operator (program point operator). It is domain-specific, and intended for authoring a tool for theorem proving called LCF. Standard ML has been fully semantically specified and formally verified. This language became widely popular, both in academia and industry.
Removing the J operator made ML a declarative language, i.e. it does not specify the order of execution of statements, putting it in the same class of languages as Prolog or for that matter: Makefiles: there is no control flow in a Makefile, just a number of conditions that need to be evaluated to arrive at a complete target.
ML still has one imperative language feature: assignment. Around this time, some scholars thought both the J operator and assignment were unnecessary and went on to define purely functional languages such as Haskell. We will not consider them here, they are outside the scope of this article. ML and everything else we discuss can be labelled as impure: a pejorative term invented by people who like purely functional languages. These people dislike not only the sequencing nature of imperative languages but also the assignment (such as happens with the keyword let) and prefer to think about evaluating relationships between abstract entities.
ML can be grasped intuitively. For example this expression in ML evaluates to the integer 64:
val m : int = 4
val n : int = m*m
Here we see some still prominent AE/SECD, ISIWM features such as the keyword let for binding variables, or rather, associate names with elements such as integers and functions (similar to := assignment in some languages). The we see an implementation section in. We can define functions in ML, like this to compute the square root of five times x:
val rootfivex : real -> real =
fn x : real => Math.sqrt (5.0 * x)
Notice absence of constructs such as BEGIN/END or semicolons. ML, like Python and other languages use whitespace to find beginning and end of basic blocks. The notation real –> real clearly states that the function takes a real number as input and produces a real number as output. The name real reflects some kind of mathematical ambition. The language cannot handle the mathematical set of real numbers — the ML real is what other languages call a float.
ML has more syntactic sugar, so the following is equivalent using the keyword fun (fun-notation):
fun rootfivex (x:real):real = Math.sqrt (5.0 * x)
The syntax should be possible to grasp intuitively. Another feature of ML and other functional languages is that they easily operate on tuples i.e. an ordered sequence of variables, and tuples can also be returned from functions. For example you can calculate the distance between origin and two coordinates in a x/y-oriented plane like this:
fun dist (x:real, y:real):real = Math.sqrt (x*x + y*y)
This function can then be called elsewhere like this:
val coor (x:real, y:real)
val d = dist(coor)
The type real of d will be inferred from the fact that the dist() function returns a real.
ML gets much more complex than this. One of the upsides of the language that is universally admired is that ML programs, like most programs written in functional languages can be proven correct in the computational sense. This can be done within certain ramifications: for example input/output operations need to specify exactly which values are input or an undefined behaviour will occur.
CAML and OCaml
In 1987 Ascánder Suárez at the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) reimplemented a compiler and runtime system for ML in LISP and called the result CAML for Categorical Abstract Machine Language, a pun on the fact that it ran on a virtual machine (Category Abstract Machine) and the heritage from ML proper. The abstract machine used was the LLM3 abstract LISP machine, which in turn ran on another computer. It was not fast.
CAML was reimplemented in C in 1990-91 by Xavier Leroy, creating Caml Light, which was faster, because it was not written in a virtual machine running a virtual machine. Caml Light was more like Java and used a bytecode interpreter for its virtual machine.
In 1995, Caml Special Light introduced a native compiler, so the bytecode produced from the Caml compiler could be compiled to object code and executed with no virtual machine overhead, using a native runtime environment. Didier Rémy, Jérôme Vouillon and Jacques Garrigue continued the development of Caml.
Objective Caml arrived in 1996 and added some object oriented features to Caml. In 2011 the extended Caml Special Light compiler, and language derivative (dialect) of ML was renamed OCaml. In essence the compiler and language has a symbiotic relationship. There is no second implementation of OCaml.
From the 1990s and forward, what is now the OCaml language and implementation has gained traction. It is a very popular functional programming language, or rather, popular as far as functional programming goes. It has optimized implementations for most architectures. The compiler itself is now written mostly in OCaml, but the runtime in C is still around, to hook into each operating system where the program will eventually run. The language and compiler has been used for a variety of applications. Every major Linux distribution carries packages with the OCaml compiler and libraries. There is even a GTK+ 3 OCaml library binding, so OCaml GUI programs can be created.
OCaml simplifies binding labels to numbers etc, here is bubblesort implemented in OCaml:
(* Bubblesort in OCaml, Linus Walleij 2022 *)
let sort v =
let newv = Array.make (Array.length v) 0 in
for i = 1 to (Array.length v) - 1 do
if v.(i - 1) > v.(i) then begin
newv.(i - 1) <- v.(i);
newv.(i) <- v.(i - 1);
(* Copy back so we are working on the same thing *)
v.(i - 1) <- newv.(i - 1);
v.(i) <- newv.(i);
end else begin
newv.(i - 1) <- v.(i - 1);
newv.(i) <- v.(i);
let rec ordered v =
if Array.length v = 0 then true
else if Array.length v = 1 then true
(* ... or if the rest of the array is ordered *)
else if v.(0) < v.(1) && ordered (Array.sub v 1 (Array.length v - 1)) then true
else false;;
let plist v =
print_string "V = ";
for i = 0 to (Array.length v) - 1 do begin
print_int v.(i);
if i < (Array.length v - 1) then print_string ",";
print_endline "";;
let rec sortme v =
if ordered v then v
else sortme (sort v);;
let v = [| 14 ; 4 ; 55 ; 100 ; 11 ; 29 ; 76 ; 19 ; 6 ; 82 ; 99 ; 0 ; 57 ; 36 ; 61 ; 30 |];;
plist v;;
plist (sortme v);;
My experience with working with this example is that OCaml makes a “bit of resistance” to changing contents of things like arrays by indexing. It “dislikes” any imperative constructs and kind of nudges you in the direction of purely logical constructs such as the ordered
function above. This is just my personal take.
OCaml is still a dialect of ML. The file ending used on all files is .ml
as well. OCaml – like Pythons pip or Perls CPAN has its own package system and library called opam. The prime application is still the OCaml Ergo Library, a library for automatic theorem proving. If your first and foremost use of computers is theorem proving, ML and OCaml continue to deliver since 1974. The more recent and widely popular Coq theorem prover is also written in OCaml.
Rust then
Rust was initially developed in 2006 as a hobby project by Graydon Hoare who was at the time working at Mozilla. OCaml and ML is mentioned as the biggest influence on the language, apart from C/C++. A typical sign of this influence would be that the first compiler for Rust was written in OCaml. A notable contributor to this codebase, apart from Hoare, is Brendan Eich, one of the founders of the Mozilla project and the inventor of JavaScript. While Brendan did not contribute much code he was at the time CTO of Mozilla, and this shows that when Mozilla started supporting the project in 2009 Rust was certainly well anchored in the organization, and Eich's early contributions to the language should be noted. (It may be commonplace that people in the CTO position at middle sized companies make commits to complex code bases, but I am not aware in that case.)
Despite the OCaml codebase the first documentation of the language talks more about other functional or declarative languages such as NIL, Hermes, Erlang, Sather, Newsqueak, Limbo and Napier. These origins with extensive quotes from e.g. Joe Armstrong (the inventor of Erlang) have been toned down in contemporary Rust documentation. It is however very clear that Graydon has a deep interest in historical computer languages and is convinced that they have something to teach us, and the expressed ambition is to draw on these languages to pick the best parts. In his own words:
I've always been a language pluralist — picture my relationship towards languages like a kid enjoying a wide variety of building blocks, musical instruments or plastic dinosaurs — and I don't think evangelism or single-language puritanism is especially helpful.
What is unique about Rust is that it fuses “impure” functional programming with imperative programming, bringing several concepts from ML and OCaml over into the language.
Another characteristic is that Rust compiled to target machine code from day one, rather than using any kind of virtual machine as did Peter Landins ISWIM, or the ML and OCaml languages (and as does say Java, or Python). Graydon probably did this intuitively, but a post he made in 2019 underscores the point: that virtual machines, even as an intermediate step, is bad language engineering and just generally a bad idea.
In 2013 Graydon stepped down as main lead for Rust for personal reasons which he has detailed in a posting on Reddit.
Rust has had the same symbiotic relationship between language and a single compiler implementation as OCaml, but this is changing, as there is now a second, GCC-based implementation in the works.
Here is bubblesort implemented in Rust:
/* Bubblesort in Rust, Linus Walleij 2022 */
fn sort(array : &mut [i32]) {
let mut x : i32;
if array.len() == 1 {
for i in 1..array.len() {
if array[i - 1] > array[i] {
x = array[i - 1];
array[i - 1] = array[i];
array[i] = x;
fn is_ordered(array : &[i32]) -> bool {
if array.len() <= 1 {
return true;
for i in 1..array.len() {
if array[i - 1] > array[i] {
return false;
return true;
fn parray(array : &[i32]) {
let mut x : i32;
print!("V = ");
for i in 0..array.len() {
x = array[i];
if i != (array.len() - 1) {
fn main() {
let mut array: [i32; 16] = [14, 4, 55, 100, 11, 29, 76, 19, 6, 82, 99, 0, 57, 36, 61, 30];
while !is_ordered(&array) {
sort(&mut array);
Rust leaves itself to easier imperative programming than OCaml: the keyword mut becomes quite similar to C:s const correctness tagging in this example. Since is_ordered
and parray
isn't altering the contents of the array these functions do not need to be marked with mut. You see some familiar virtues from Pascal: arrays “know” their length, and we use a method to obtain it: array.len()
The stated ambition is improved memory safety, data-race safety (concurrency) and type safety. The article Safe Systems Programming in Rust certainly presents the ambition in a straight-forward manner. Graydon also underscores the focus on memory and concurrency safety in a 2016 blog post.
But make no mistake. The current underlying ambition is definitely nothing different from the ambition of the ALGOL committee between 1958 and 1968: to raise the abstraction of the language through the ambition to join computer programming with formal logic. This comes from the arrival of strong academic support for the language.
A typical indication of this ambition is the well-funded RustBelt project involving a large amount of academic researchers, all familiar with formal logic, and resulting in such artefacts as Ralf Jung's PhD thesis Understanding and Evolving the Rust Programming Language. Here, formal logic in Rust Belt and the Coq proof assistant is used and concludes (from the abstract):
Together, these proofs establish that, as long as the only unsafe code in a well-typed λRust program is confined to libraries that satisfy their verification conditions, the program is safe to execute.
What is meant by “safe to execute” is that no use-after-free, dangling pointers, stale references, NULL pointer exceptions etc can ever occur in safe Rust code, because it is proven by formal logic: QED. It does not stop you from e.g. dividing by zero however, that problem is out-of-scope for the exercise.
To me personally the most astonishing fact about Jung's thesis is that it manages to repeatedly cite and reference the computer scientist Tony Hoare without quoting the inventor of the Rust language, Graydon Hoare, a single time. In a way it confirms Graydon's own statement that Rust “contains nothing new” from a language point of view.
The C programming language cannot be subject to the same scrutiny as Rust, simply because of all the (ab)use it allows, and which was mentioned by Wirth in his historical perspective: if a type can be changed by a cast and array indexing is not even part of the language, there is nothing much to prove. What has been interesting for scholars to investigate is a well-defined subset of C, such as the eBPF subset, which also partly explains the strong interest in eBPF: like with Rust, the build environment and language runtime has been defined with much stricter constraints and thus can be subject to formal verification.
The ambition of Rust is, as I perceieve it, and whether the people driving it even knows it or not, to finish what the ALGOL committe as primus motor started in 1958, and what the Garmisch NATO conference concluded was necessary in 1968: to develop a language for systems programming that rely on formal logic proof, and to fulfil what ALGOL never could, what Pascal never could, and what the whole maybe-not-700 functional programming languages never could: a language that joins the disciplines of computer science and software Engineering into ONE discipline, where the scholars of each can solve problems together.
That is the ambition of Rust as an implementation language for operating systems, such as Linux: provide a language backed by current top-of-the-line computer science research, for immediate application to software engineering developing the top-of-the-line operating system.
What it offers Linux is raised abstraction to counter the problems of complexity identified in the 1968 Garmisch NATO conference and now bleeding obvious given the recurring security incidents, and thereby would bring the engineering project Linux closer to computer science.
Other approaches to increased Linux (memory- concurrency-) safety are possible: notably increased testing, which is the engineering go-to panacea. And automated testing of Linux has indeed increased a lot in recent years. Raising the abstraction of the implementation language and proving it formally comes with the ambition to make testing less important.
[Mathieu Poirer and Jesper Jansson has helped out in reviewing this blog post, for which I am forever grateful: remaining errors, bugs and biased opinions are my own.]