is a collection of individual blogs authored by Linux kernel developers. It is powered by WriteFreely and federated via ActivityPub.
All articles are owned by their respective authors and are made available under a dual Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (cc-by-sa) and under GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). If you would like to use the content under any other terms, you can always ask the article's author directly for permission.
All authors have agreed to adhere to the Linux Kernel Code of Conduct. If you find any content that you believe violates the principles outlined in that document, please contact
At this time, this service is available to high-profile developers and maintainers of the Linux Kernel. This means:
If you do not automatically qualify, you can always ask someone who falls under the two categories above to “sponsor” you.
Before you apply for your own blog on, you will need to agree to the following licensing and editorial policy:
Any content that does not follow the editorial policy may be unpublished without notice.
Please review the licensing and editorial policy above. If you agree to adhere to these principles, then please email requesting an invite. is home to 122 articles across 36 blogs.
WriteFreely is a self-hosted, decentralized blogging platform for publishing beautiful, simple blogs.
It lets you publish a single blog, or host a community of writers who can create multiple blogs under one account. You can also enable federation, which allows people in the fediverse to follow your blog, bookmark your posts, and share them with others.