Cross-fork object sharing in git (is not a bug)

Once every couple of years someone unfailingly takes advantage of the following two facts:

  1. most large git hosting providers set up object sharing between forks of the same repository in order to save both storage space and improve user experience
  2. git's loose internal structure allows any shared object to be accessed from any other repository

Thus, hilarity ensues on a fairly regular basis:

Every time this happens, many wonder how come this isn't treated like a nasty security bug, and the answer, inevitably, is “it's complicated.”

Blobs, trees, commits, oh my

Under the hood, git repositories are a bunch of objects — blobs, trees, and commits. Blobs are file contents, trees are directory listings that establish the relationship between file names and the blobs, and commits are like still frames in a movie reel that show where all the trees and blobs were at a specific point in time. Each next commit refers to the hash of the previous commit, which is how we know in what order these still frames should be put together to make a movie.

Each of these objects has a hash value, which is how they are stored inside the git directory itself (look in .git/objects). When git was originally designed, over a decade ago, it didn't really have a concept of “branches” — there was just a symlink HEAD pointing to the latest commit. If you wanted to work on several things at once, you simply cloned the repository and did it in a separate directory with its own HEAD. Cloning was a very efficient operation, as through the magic of hardlinking, hundreds of clones would take up about as much room on your disk as a single one.

Fast-forward to today

Git is a lot more complicated these days, but the basic concepts are the same. You still have blobs, trees, commits, and they are all still stored internally as hashes. Under the hood, git has developed quite a bit over the past decade to make it more efficient to store and retrieve millions and tens of millions of repository objects. Most of them are now stored inside special pack files, which are organized rather similar to compressed video clips — formats like webm don't really store each frame in a separate image, as there is usually very little difference between any two adjacent frames. It makes much more sense to store just the difference (“delta”) between two still images until you come to a designated “key frame”.

Similarly, when generating pack files, git will try to calculate the deltas between objects and only store their incremental differences — at least until it decides that it's time to start from a new “key frame” just so checking out a tag from a year ago doesn't require replaying a year worth of diffs. At the same time, there has been a lot of work to make the act of pushing/pulling objects more efficient. When someone sends you a pull request and you want to review their changes, you don't want to download their entire tree. Your git client and the remote git server compare what objects they already have on each end, with the goal to send you just the objects that you are lacking.

Optimizing public forks

If you look at the GitHub links above, check out how many forks torvalds/linux has on that hosting service. Right now, that number says “41.1k”. With the best kinds of optimizations in place, a bare linux.git repository takes up roughtly 3 GB on disk. Doing quick math, if each one of these 41.1k forks were completely standalone, that would require about 125 TB of disk storage. Throw in a few hundred terabytes for all the forks of Chromium, Android, and Gecko, and soon you're talking Real Large Numbers. Which is why nobody actually does it this way.

Remember how I said that git forks were designed to be extremely efficient and reuse the objects between clones? This is how forks are actually organized on GitHub (and, for that matter), except it's a bit more complicated these days than simply hardlinking the contents of .git/objects around.

On side of things we store the objects from all forks of linux.git in a single “object storage” repository (see for the gory details). This has many positive side-effects:

Object sharing allows to greatly improve not only the backend infrastructure on our end, but also the experience of git's end-users who directly benefit from not having to push around nearly as many bits.

The dark side of object sharing

With all the benefits of object sharing comes one important downside — namely, you can access any shared object through any of the forks. So, if you fork linux.git and push your own commit into it, any of the 41.1k forks will have access to the objects referenced by your commit. If you know the hash of that object, and if the web ui allows to access arbitrary repository objects by their hash, you can even view and link to it from any of the forks, making it look as if that object is actually part of that particular repository (which is how we get the links at the start of this article).

So, why can't GitHub (or prevent this from happening? Remember when I said that a git repository is like a movie full of adjacent still frames? When you look at a scene in a movie, it is very easy for you to identify all objects in any given still frame — there is a street, a car, and a person. However, if I show you a picture of a car and ask you “does this car show up in this movie,” the only way you can answer this question is by watching the entire thing from the beginning to the end, carefully scrutinizing every shot.

In just the same way, to check if a blob from the shared repository actually belongs in a fork, git has to look at all that repository's tips and work its way backwards, commit by commit, to see if any of the tree objects reference that particular blob. Needless to say, this is an extremely expensive operation, which, if enabled, would allow anyone to easily DoS a git server with only a handful of requests.

This may change in the future, though. For example, if you access a commit that is not part of a repository, GitHub will now show you a warning message:

Looking up “does this commit belong in this repository” used to be a very expensive operation, too, until git learned to generate commit graphs (see man git-commit-graph). It is possible that at some point in the future a similar feature will land that will make it easy to perform a similar check for the blob, which will allow GitHub to show a similar warning when someone accesses shared blobs by their hash from the wrong repo.

Why this isn't a security bug

Just because an object is part of the shared storage doesn't really have any impact on the forks. When you perform a git-aware operation like “git clone” or “git pull,” git-daemon will only send the objects actually belonging to that repository. Furthermore, your git client deliberately doesn't trust the remote to send the right stuff, so it will perform its own connectivity checks before accepting anything from the server.

If you're extra paranoid, you're encouraged to set receive.fsckObjects for some additional protection against in-flight object corruption, and if you're really serious about securing your repositories, then you should set up and use git object signing:

This is, incidentally, also how you would be able to verify whether commits were made by the actual Linus Torvalds or merely by someone pretending to be him.

Parting words

This neither proves nor disproves the identity of “Satoshi.” However, given Linus's widely known negative opinions of C++, it's probably not very likely that it's the language he'd pick to write some proof of concept code.